Tuesday, October 28, 2008

". . . and then you win" . . . what?

Well, the freetards at Reddit have been going apeshit over the death of my predecessor. Attention freetards, just because one critic of Linux has turned in his towel, that does not mean that criticism of Linux is dead. If one dies, another will rise from the ashes. As long as there exists a Linux application that drives one to insanity for no damn good reason, a linux hater will be there.


  1. thepld said...
    You ought to devote an entire week to the grand clusterfuck that is ubuntuforums. I bet it would be really easy to troll them.

    OCTOBER 28, 2008 7:08 PM

  2. oiaohm said...
    Basically quit before you get your backside kicked Linux Hater's Redux. So far your arguments have be so invalid its not funny.

    I do support for the Wine project. Issue we don't have enough testers. Sorry to say did you value the cost of the Platinum list. If you had you would know that its more than the total worth of code weavers. So unless people who own copies do testing the list does not stay up to date.

    Standard Release binary has been on attempted a few times. Issue is distribution fragmentation. Hopefully after LSB 4.0 is released we will be able to release a single binaries for most needed versions. Ie the set that gives you most application coverage.

    I hope you were aware that you could run more than 1 version of wine on system. Platinum ratings are per wine version. So yes a few mouths old test was still valid. Our major problem with this is not our code its distrobutions there system is only designed to support 1 of a application at a time.

    When a regression event happens in wine in the fixing stage a test is added to the test suite of wine so it cannot happen again. This is again lack of resources test suite is always getting more complete. Besides Wine is only a Beta status application. You would not download Minefield from mozilla and expect it to be dependable so why the crap about wine. Its crossover minefield.

    CrossOverGames uses the older may version you were not prepared to run. Wine releases often so testers can test applications. Versions in crossover and crossovergames are versions that have passed the testing cycle in wine with the required platinum ratings intact. Yes wine gets applications working in most cases before crossover it also hits the regressions first using wine you have to accept that.

    Backward compatibility one is simple incompetents with Linux. Notice that the application was marked as working on debian 2.2. That can be chroot installed inside current distrobutions. Yes almost 100 percent backwards compatibility is doable. The dynamically linked versions of that turn out to be simpler to be got working. Chroot + a few updated .so files. Guess what your so call windows working install did the same thing invisible as soon as it detected the old application. Fair test and lack of incompetence next time. There is a reason why this is not automatic in Linux world. Bringing back old applications is a security risk.

  3. Source code not building you will find is gcc version yes you must use the right version of gcc for the source code. Same thing happens if you bring old MSVC code onto new MSVC at times.

    Should I keep on ripping. Tuxphone have you ever seen devices before the art people go to it. Sorry to say Tuxphone was neater than a lot of new devices. You do know that Tuxphone project kick off other better looking outcomes. http://www.openmoko.com/ Complete specs and circuits of that. Yes first prototypes of anything look nasty.

    Ubuntu is slowing down more than any other distribution even ones with same amount of features. There are a few causes. One is there maintainers not skilled enough with building things. Other is a few stupid selections. Pulseaudio is about the worse Lets make every sound going out the machine cost CPU time and lets make it cost more CPU each version. That is basically Pulseaudio remove pulse it can give backup like 15% of your cpu under load compared to dmix. Yet for some reason Ubuntu does not ship with a option to simply drop back to dmix if you don't need pulseaudio's features. Really you should not be protecting ubuntu. You are meant to hate Linux if you cannot say in char this log will sux.

    Linux market share depends on what market you are talking about netbook market linux is running at around %20 min. Highest recorded in china at %80 percent of that market. That has been enough to effect Microsofts bottom line from them being forced to ship XP heavily discounted.

    Funny enough Ubuntu is just waking up to what Redhat and Novell has known. Redhat developer at one time produced a list what was required. So far that list is not completed yet.

    At least Linux Hater could get at least 1 in 4 posts with something that was at least valid. Also he never ever dug up out of date documents to hold up his case.

    You are a poor copy. Linux Hater left the building because of the simple fact soon lot of his arguments would have been gone. And some of the things he had been calling for where the wrong solutions.

    OCTOBER 28, 2008 9:16 PM

  4. Tom said...
    Linux Hater left the building because of the simple fact soon lot of his arguments would have been gone.
    Why would anybody believe you? We've been listening to the same speech for a decade. Are you telling that now it's somehow different? So, all these 'Linux evangelists' of the past were, in fact, pure liars, who used lies as a tactic to promote a world view, hate, or just to get some page views?

    OCTOBER 29, 2008 1:49 AM

    thepld said...
    "So unless people who own copies do testing the list does not stay up to date."

    So you're not even denying that the list is utterly worthless? Why is it that people still mark shit as platinum even when basic features don't even work? The site is littered with platinum ratings that say, "What works: Game installs" "What doesn't: Max framerate of 10 fps; therefore unplayable"

    "Hopefully after LSB 4.0 is released we will be able to release a single binaries for most needed versions. "

    'Hopefully' yeah that's certainly reassuring. Because Linux devs totally delivered on their promises of a fully-featured X and working audio subsystem...oh wait.

    "Besides Wine is only a Beta status application. You would not download Minefield from mozilla and expect it to be dependable so why the crap about wine. "

    Because freetards continually harp that there's no reason to not switch to Linux because you can just run your programs in Wine.

    Backward compatibility one is simple incompetents with Linux. Notice that the application was marked as working on debian 2.2."

    Translation: Not our fault! I thought the open source spirit was about interproject cooperation? Yet here you are bitching about someone else being incompetent.

    "Bringing back old applications is a security risk."

    'But Linux nevar gets viruses!! unlike evil drug pushing gates and M$ windoze lolol'

    "Tuxphone have you ever seen devices before the art people go to it."

    Trouble is, there won't ever be art people. Most oss projects don't believe that making it polished is even worthwhile, and that users who hate the clunky interface are simply too stupid to use it and should go back to the iPhone or another usable platform.

    That entire post was nothing but excuses for Linux's suckiness. "I admit we suck, but its not our fault!"

    OCTOBER 29, 2008 7:12 AM

  5. oiaohm said...
    I will tell you something.

    "What works: Game installs" "What doesn't: Max framerate of 10 fps; therefore unplayable"

    DirectDraw Opengl Mode registry key. Most of the ones that are market plat with that issue change 1 registry key and you get performance. Max Framerate of 10 fps that is not fixable should be downgraded to gold or silver depending on how critical that frame rate is. Yes we do downgrade ratings.

    Fully working X11 is not our headache neither is audio. People don't notice that wine recycles its binaries a lot. Something people are not aware is wine is basically standard alone it uses its own graphical toolkit to render to X11. Its audio stack is plug and play ie detects what is there and uses it. Same with the rest of its interlinks to other parts of the system wine will basically auto downgrade itself if parts are missing. So stop point to X11 and Audio as major headaches to interface with they are not. So yes cross distribution binaries have been do able for years.

    Major X11 and Audio headaches come from distrobutions running Alpha and Beta grade software in the X11 or Audio layours. Ie Compiz and pulseaudio there is nothing applications can do when both can screw up and die when left to there own devices with no programs running.

  6. Issue with LSB 4.0 is installation universal packages may have to wait until LSB 4.1 if installation head aches are too bad. Installation common solutions like http://packagekit.org will not work with LSB 4.0 at this stage due to a require part being missing. They might end up .run files.

    Wine developers and support people are open and truthful about its defects. If he was yelling about wine being a beta status application but being pushed as stable I would not be ripping the stuffing out of him. Its just insulting when he did not install the older version of wine but when you know that is exactly what it did when he installed crossover games it is kinda annoying. Then claiming some magical better compatibility. Sorry the compatibility was there for the taking.

    Wine install the version that works with the applications you need and problems are not that bad.

    chroot was added to Linux for backwards compatibility. Linux has a way of doing backwards compatibility and has had it for about 15 years. Distributions don't provide a way to do it simple yes yell at them. Don't just say Linux cannot run it. That is false Linux can its a lack of support tools for the non command line people. Its lack of Linux experience. You cannot rip something apart correctly if you don't know what you are doing.

    Linux does not get viruses normally. Linux gets Root kits. Its a simple issue of security the harder the OS's security the more likely is it to get root kits attacks. Stay on top of root kit existing flaws and virus numbers stay down. MS Windows virus numbers is miss management. Most people miss that the major services and programs on linux are audited by 4 different commercial companies with there defect finding tools. Now that is on top of coders inspecting code. Simple buffer overflows and other simple flaws don't exist in large numbers in the Linux world due to the heavy auditing. Issue is MS is not paying out the money to secure there source code. Linux source code auditing is paid for by USA government and 3 different embedded device makers.

    Here is the fun thing as Windows security upgrades number of Root kits for windows is going up. Number of rootkits vs viruses is a true measure of security. If you have insanely high virus numbers and almost no rootkits you OS security sux's. People just don't build rootkits unless they have to. Windows 9x in its complete history not 1 rootkit it's security is basically worthless.

    Virus numbers are a invalid measurement of security without rootkit measurements.

  7. Truth is you are wrong about OSS projects and finish. What is the difference between Tuxphone and its Later version. Commercial support interested in customers. Tuxphone was about a open circuit phone. Nokia webpads are pure Linux machines since Nokia looked after its look and fell is usable to be correct more usable than a lot of other options including MS's embedded OS.

    Some of the mess in Linux look and feel has came directly from the KDE vs GNOME war. It was that bad the developers at one point would not ever talk to each other.

    Linux mess traces back to Citadel events more than Bazaar. The big problem with Citadel events some of them take years to undo. Starting at 1994 there was no start menu compatibility between wm's no drag and drop compatibility and the list goes on. Due to the Citadel events. Since 1996 slow process of sorting out each of those compatibility issues has been going on. Its like a slow moving mountain does not appear to be moving but changes are happening until one day the mountain falls and you wake up it was moving.

    Linux configuration being a mess is why dbus and policy kit was invented. First of the new wave from this tech is http://packagekit.org/ . End of citadel solutions. Same is also happening in the Outlook clones side of Linux ie kontact and evolution in time you will be able to swap between either interface and your information will just be there. Theming merging is also being worked on.

    This is why Linux Hater has left. The tide is turning. His base idea that Linux had to become a citadel with only 1 graphical tool kit and so on is leaving the building. Instead a pure bazaar model is appearing based on standards.

    Linux Distributions have really done Linux more harm than good by not sharing.

    OCTOBER 29, 2008 4:08 PM

  8. Anonymous said...
    Like the sith there are always two a master and an apprentice.

    NOVEMBER 2, 2008 7:56 PM

    Russell said...
    Don't die! we love you! I know you aren't the linux hater guy, but if its organized hatin' you can count the nails that the coffin will need!

    NOVEMBER 14, 2008 9:56 PM
