Thursday, October 30, 2008

Rants and Laughs 3

Once again, I present "Rants & Laughs", or, as it should be called, the best of Linux Reddit.

  • Here is an article detailing the hackishness of initrd. What?! Ugly hacks in Linux?! Say it ain't so, Pa; say it ain't so?
  • How has Linux surprised you? After 15 years of development, it still has not achieved 1% marketshare.
  • Open Source Makes New Inroads in Asia and Sardinia. Wow! Linux has gotten a bunch of government bureaucrats to issue a formal statement! Linux is truly on the cusp of world domination now!
  • Here is a handy-dandy guide on how to make money with open source software. Condensed version: get the European welfare-state to help you out.
  • A man gives Linux to his unsuspecting fourteen-year-old daughter. I am sure she is really thrilled to have an operating system that is difficult and annoying to use. Someone should call Child Protective Services.
  • HOWTO use your Linux box as a Media Center. My father recently purchased a new PC that could do this. Here is the guide to get it working.
    Step 1: Buy PC
    Step 2: Hook up PC to AC outlet
    Step 3: Hook up cable to back of PC
    Step 4: Turn on PC
    Step 5: Open Media Center
    Windows: 2
    Linux: 0
    Thanks for playing!

1 comment:

  1. grey_ash said...
    "I am sure she is really thrilled to have an operating system that is difficult and annoying to use."

    Sounds like she would appreciate the joys of driveby downloads, slowdown of generally everything on the PC due to antivirus/antispyware, fuckups in the registry, BSODs due to a virus scan, viruses on USB storge devices, I could go on.

    OCTOBER 30, 2008 4:52 PM

    Tom said...
    where the fuck is Sardinia

    It's a large island in Mediterranean Sea, between France and Italy. It's possible to make a point without being arrogant. You can leave that to the pricks in the Linux community. You probably just lost a few of your readers in Sardinia.

    OTOH, isn't it funny how Linux community always talks about freedom and things (when they don't spread FUD, like the one above me), but always welcomes strong arm governments which mandate Open source. They'd lie with anybody, left, right, liberals and communists, murderers, pedophiles, just to go against Microsoft. Bunch of hypocrites...

    OCTOBER 30, 2008 6:13 PM

    thepld said...
    "They'd lie with anybody, left, right, liberals and communists, murderers, pedophiles, just to go against Microsoft. Bunch of hypocrites..."

    Say what you want about Windows, at least none of the filesystem engineers are murderers. If you can't trust Reiser to keep his wife, how can you trust him to keep your files?

    OCTOBER 30, 2008 8:25 PM

    Tom said...
    Say what you want about Windows, at least none of the filesystem engineers are murderers.

    Oh, come on, it can happen to anyone :)

    Seriously, being murderer doesn't make his work less worthwhile. However, no matter how good filesystem is, it doesn't make its creator above the law, as many slashtards preach.

    OCTOBER 30, 2008 9:06 PM

    Anon said...
    I'm glad someone decided to continue Linux Haters.
    I love this blog, keep up the good work.

    OCTOBER 31, 2008 7:39 AM

    wbkang said...
    why do you not enable anonymous comments? neways keep up the good work!

    OCTOBER 31, 2008 10:40 AM

    Anon E Moose said...
    Ah, thanks for enabling the anonymous comments for those of us who don't want to sign up for yet-another-ID :)

    You're doing well here. Already have a solid core of lusers for the flamers to play with.

    Me, I just downloaded Ubuntu Studio, because I want to see if....ah I can't lie: I have a spare system and I feel like wasting some time and inflicting pain on myself.

    Server side, things are happier. I saved the school a $130 Server '03 license because I felt like pissing around with Apache when we needed a test web server for the kiddies to learn how to ftp their websites to. OpenSuSE was pretty painless to stick on the old Power Edge, and YAST helped get us up with only a few googlings.

    Of course now that it's up and firmly ensconced within an intranet (no outside access) I'll never update it. We all know that sooner or later a pesky sledge hammer gets into the repo and ~whoops~ did you actually need that iron to be in production? sucks to be you, see ya next release cycle!

    Yeah, I have a few crufty old server 2000 DCs that I'm afraid to reboot too. But they do come up again, even if it takes half an hour with a couple. And they've been in service for years, and more than a few are second hand to begin with, so they've done their time and owe me nothing more than to survive until the new hardware arrives.

    Sorry for the verbose and off topic anecdote.

    I did enjoy that link to Raymond's whine fest a few posts back. I especially liked the comment from the fellow about the company with the geek who wants to go OSS as soon as autocad works properly in wine.

    Talk about penny wise and pound foolish. Cost of autocad vs the cost of the platform it runs on? Never mind the stability of running in the native environment vs emulation and superior 3D graphics performance on Windows...

    OCTOBER 31, 2008 6:56 PM

    oiaohm said...

    There is a hard way and a easy way to do everything.
